7 Places To Find German Shepherd Wallpaper/Backgrounds For Your Desktop, Phone or Tablet


If you’re a dog lover, it only makes sense we find out where we can find German Shepherd wallpaper for our desktop, mobile or tablet backgrounds.

We’ve found 7 different places you can view wallpapers of German Shepherd dogs and puppies, that range in size/dimensions like and the type of photo. Among what we’ve found includes:

Hd German Shepherd wallpaper

Free download German Shepherd Wallpaper

Popular 1920 x 1080 German Shepherd wallpaper

German Shepherd Wallpaper For Your iPhone, Samsung or other mobile device (or tablet)

German Shepherd puppy wallpaper

+ more


Let’s take a look!


(NOTE: we last updated this list on July 2017. We can’t control how these sites update their images going forward. Please let us know in the comments if for whatever reason the sites on this list become unsuitable)


7 Places To Find German Shepherd Wallpaper/Backgrounds For Your Desktop, Phone or Tablet


1. Alphacoders.com

A WIDE selection of German Shepherd wallpapers available – 229 to be exact, as of July 2017.

Different sizes of wallpapers are available, with both puppy and adult dog backgrounds.


2. Wallpapercave.com

A collection of German Shepherd wallpapers of different types. There’s some great action shots!

There’s also some super cute German Shepherd puppy wallpapers, as well as groups of German Shepherds and even a German Shepherd and cat image.


3. Anyhdwallpaper.com

Similar to wallpapercave.com, there’s some great action shots in this collection. It’s a short collection though of just over 30 photos.

Our personal favorite is the image of the White German Shepherd puppy running – simply makes you melt with cuteness overload.


4. Mosthdwallpapers.com

Over 40 German Shepherd wallpaper images. Has some double ups that we’ve seen in a few of the sites above.

Two of our favorites are 3 German Shepherd puppies nestled together in a basket, and a Black German Shepherd mother with her sable and solid black puppies.


5. Wallpaperscraft.com

All 1920 x 1080 desktop background wallpapers. A short but sweet collection of German Shepherd photos.


6. Desktopnexus.com

Over 260 images in this German Shepherd wallpaper collection. There’s plenty of unique and striking images and pictures to choose from here.

There’s a bit of something for everyone from German Shepherds running through snow, to a German Shepherd puppy laying in a big teacup – so good!


7. Wallpapers.brothersoft.com

A very small collection of wallpapers. There’s still some good ones in here though.


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TheDailyShep.com are not veterinarians, or animal professionals/experts. Information provided is for informational purposes only – it is not a substitute for professional or qualified advice.

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