Best Dog Gates For Angled Walls


Without a doubt, the most important features for the best dog gates for angled walls are either:

– pivot hinges on each side of the gate, if it’s a straight gate, or

– a Z type gate that doesn’t have to be straight, and can essentially be set up in any shape you want

We’ve gone out and found a few dog gates that each have one of these features, making them suitable for angled walls.

Let’s check each of them out!


(NOTE: this is a general information guide only, and is not professional advice, or a substitute for professional advice. A qualified vet or animal expert is the only person qualified to give you expert advice in regards to your pet/s)

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Best Dog Gates For Angled Walls: Review & Buyer’s Guide

Our top picks for the best dog gates for angled walls are:


Freestanding Dog Gates

You may like to go with one of these freestanding dog gate options:


Other Gates

Read more about some of the best dog gates in this guide.


Best Dog Gates For Angled Walls: Review

This guide compliments our main guide on the best pet gates across different gate types and gate categories.

There are reviews of some of the most popular and top rated dog gates listed above, that can be found in the main guide.


Best Dog Gates For Angled Walls: Buyer’s Guide

What Makes Each Of The Above Dog Gates Good For Angled Walls?

North States Gate – a straight gate that has pivot points on the end gate panels so you can mount the gate at an angle

And, freestanding gates can usually be angled or positioned to block off angled openings


What Dog Gate Should You Get?

It usually depends on three things:

The size of your dog. The bigger the dog, usually the taller of a dog gate you want to get

The width of the opening or space you want to block off. The bigger the opening, the wider of a dog gate you want to get.

You also want to make sure you can fit through the gate if it has a door, and that other openings are big enough 


Types Of Pet Gates

Some of the major types of pet gates to be aware of are:

Pressure mounted pet gates

Hardware mounted gates

Freestanding gates

2 in 1, or All in one gates – might combine freestanding, pressure mounted, hardware mounted, and exercise pen capabilities


Some types of gates may also be:

Extra tall

Extra wide

Be built with heavier duty materials

+ have other specific characteristics


Walk Through vs Swing Open vs Step Over Dog Gates

There’s usually 3 ways you can pass through or over a dog gate whilst still blocking your dog from passing:

Walk Through – the dog gate has a door built in with a simple lock. You pass through the door and close/lock it when you’re through it

Swing Open – the entire gate barrier can be lifted off the hinges mounted on the walls and swung open and shut

Step Over – usually smaller gates for small dogs. You can completely step over these gates because of their height whilst still blocking your dog


A Few Other Things To Be Aware Of When Buying A Pet Gate

Make sure you measure the size of the opening you want to install the gate into, and check what size opening the gate is suitable for

Check the size of the gate door opening if it has one, and clearance of any step overs if relevant

Make sure the gate is tall enough for pets you want to keep contained, and that your pets won’t knock it over, try to jump it, or break it

Check the gate will be able to be secured properly and safely for your intended uses

Check the age of child the gate is designed for (if you intend on using it for kids too)

Check that the gate meets any relevant safety regulations and standards, and is going to be safe for the intended use in general

Read the set up, operation and safety instructions prior to use

Check the gate aesthetically matches in with your home

Check if the gate is a multiple use gate

Check if any add ons, kits or extensions come with the gate


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