Hoover PowerDash Pet vs Pet Advanced: Carpet Cleaner Comparison

Below, we compare the Hoover PowerDash Pet vs the Powerdash Pet Advanced carpet cleaner models.

We outline some of the main differences, similarities, and main features of each carpet cleaner.

We also consider which one might be best to get for different carpet cleaner users, and also pet owners.


(NOTE: this is a general information guide only, and is not professional advice, or a substitute for professional advice. A qualified vet or animal expert is the only person qualified to give you expert advice in regards to your pet/s)

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Hoover PowerDash Pet, & Pet Advanced Models

If you prefer, you can go straight to viewing each model here:

Hoover PowerDash Pet Carpet Cleaner (on Amazon)

Hoover PowerDash Pet Advanced Carpet Cleaner (on Amazon)


Hoover PowerDash Pet vs Pet Advanced: Which To Get?

You’d consider the Pet Advanced if you want a model that as the name suggests, has some advanced and additional features (and a different design) compared to the standard Pet model

One of the key features the Pet Advanced has compared to the Pet is that it has above floor level cleaning ability (for upholstery for example) when used with certain tools and attachments

The Pet on the other hand is solely a floor level carpet cleaner (more for carpets and rugs)


Hoover PowerDash Pet vs Pet Advanced: Main Differences

Some of the main differences between the two models might be:

– The Pet Advanced can be used for above floor use, and the Pet can’t

– The Pet Advanced is designed for use on upholstery, and the Pet isn’t

– The Pet Advanced has a clean water tank size of 0.625 gallons, and the Pet has a clean water tank size of 0.5 gallons

– The Pet Advanced weighs about 16.25 lbs (without a full water tank), and the Pet weighs around 12.5 lbs 


Additionally, at the time of publishing this guide, the Pet Advanced is a more expensive model than the Pet. But, buyers should check the price of each model from the seller they intend to buy from at the time of purchase to confirm.

You may also like to confirm the warranty for each carpet cleaner with the seller and the manufacturer before purchase, as it might differ.


Hoover PowerDash Pet vs Pet Advanced: Main Similarities

Some of the main similarities between the two models might be that they both:

– Are upright, compact carpet cleaners 

– Are designed for pet owners, with key features such as a ‘Pet’ Brushroll, and, can be used with a carpet cleaning liquid designed for pet related stains

– Are designed for use on carpet and area rugs

– Use ‘HeatForce’ drying technology

– Have a Brushroll brush system

– Have removable/accessible brushes and nozzles (although, the earlier ‘Pet’ models have required a screwdriver to unscrew the screws on the bottom of the carpet cleaner unit before the brush roll can be removed/accessed)

– Have cord lengths of 20 feet


Hoover PowerDash Pet vs Pet Advanced: Main Features

PowerDash Pet

An upright, compact carpet cleaner

Designed for floor level cleaning of carpets, and area rugs

Uses PowerSpin Pet Brush Roll with antimicrobial properties

Uses HeatForce technology for drying

Has a 0.5 gallon clean water tank size

Has a removable nozzle

Has a 20 foot cord

Weighs 12.5 lbs without water in the tank


PowerDash Pet Advanced

An upright, compact carpet cleaner

Designed for carpet, upholstery, and area rugs

Can be used for above floor cleaning when uses with specific tools and attachments that allow for this

Uses PowerSpin Pet Brush Roll for cleaning

Uses HeatForce technology for drying

Has a 0.625 gallon clean water tank size

Has a 20 foot cord

Weighs around 16.25 lbs without water in the tank


Additional Information To Consider For These Carpet Cleaners

Some users may find this is additional information worth their consideration:

– Be aware these are compact carpet cleaners, and consider the size of the water tanks

With these things in mind, they are probably more ideally suited to cleaning smaller areas/spaces


– To reduce pet hair getting trapped/stuck in the BrushRoll, it may help to vacuum the cleaning surface to pick up majority of pet hair before using the carpet cleaner.

Otherwise, you’ll might have to manually remove a lot more hair from the BrushRoll


– Be aware of how the BrushRoll is accessed for each machine.

Specifically, be aware of whether you have to unscrew screws, or, whether you can access the BrushRoll from the front of the cleaner


– Cleaning solutions bottles, tools, and attachments may come separately – check this at time of purchase


– Warranties for each carpet cleaner may vary

It can depend on the model, country and seller 

For example, the Pet model may have a 1 year warranty through some sellers, whilst the Pet Advanced model’s warranty might differ

Check both the warranty and return policy through the seller and manufacturer prior to purchasing



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