Do Dogs Rocks Really Work, Are They Safe, & What Are The Side Effects?


If you are a dog owner experiencing lawn burn or your grass is dying, you’ll want to understand how to care for your lawn/grass with dogs.

One thing that people might look into one dog’s urine, you’ve probably looked into dog rocks.

The idea is pretty simple – you put the rocks into your dog’s water and they supposedly purify the water – meaning cleaner dog urine on the grass.

In this guide, we look to explore:

– what dog rocks are and how they are used

– whether dog rocks really work

– whether dog rocks are safe and what their side effects are

Looking into prevention strategies for dogs peeing on your lawn is probably a far superior solution to trying something like dog rocks, but, some people still want to know how they work and what they are.

So, let’s take a look at them …


(NOTE: this is a general information guide only, and is not professional advice, or a substitute for professional advice. A qualified vet or animal expert is the only person qualified to give you expert advice in regards to your pet/s)

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Do Dogs Rocks Really Work, Are They Safe, & What Are The Side Effects?

You can go straight to checking out Dog Rocks here if you like:


What Are Dog Rocks?

They are naturally occurring paramagnetic (a word to describe the electron makeup in the rock) igneous rock.


What Are Dog Rocks Used For?

Dog rocks are used as a natural solution to burnt grass and dying grass.

The main cause of burnt grass or dead grass from dog urine is an over concentration of nitrogen compounds coming from the urine itself.

The idea is that you place the rocks as directed in your dog’s water bowl, and the rocks absorb excess nitrates and other trace elements (like tin and ammonia) from your dog’s water – reducing the amount of nitrates that enter, and are subsequently secreted from your dog onto the grass.

The rocks are a filter or purifier for the water – the rocks magnetise the water, and destroy impurities.


Do Dog Rocks Really Work?

Firstly, We couldn’t find any evidence of results of scientific testing done with the rocks, other than the Dog Rocks site saying that

‘Three years of testing was done on the water and the dogs who were using the rocks, just to make sure there were no side effects. Everything was perfect!’


It would be accurate to say the rocks might purify the water, but there’s no solid evidence to support that.

Secondly, the directions of use say that if you do any of the following things, the Dog Rocks may not work:

You feed your dog a high protein diet

Your dog has more than one drinking source

The rocks are too small for the volume of water

You top your dog’s water up instead of fully replacing it


Thirdly, there simply isn’t strong or enough evidence that dog rocks prevent grass burn.

A few people have tried them and have seen results, but it seems like for the vast majority, they saw no change i.e. the brown or yellow patches on their lawn still remained.


Are Dog Rocks Safe, and What Are The Side Effects Like Kidney Problems?

The product is described as 100% natural (coming from quarries in Australia) – and theoretically a natural product should have no side effects and be completely safe to use.

The rocks run through a grader in order to size the rocks to prevent choking. It is packaged in all natural, eco friendly bags and boxes. 

However, the best way to determine if they are safe for your pet is to ask your vet for their recommendation, and as always, follow instructions and directions for use.


Where Can I Check Out Dog Rocks?

Dog Rocks come in different sizes – 2 months and 6 months supplies for example.

You can check out the 2 month supply of Dog Rocks on Amazon.


What Are Other Options If I Don’t Want To Use Dog Rocks?

In our opinion, dog rocks alone are most likely not going to solve lawn burn or your grass dying.

Prevention of a dog peeing or pooping on the lawn though is probably the far superior option.

Additionally, a vet will probably tell you to get your dog checked out by them (the vet) if you believe there is something wrong with their urine pH or concentration, rather than try something like dog rocks.

It’s also worth having a sustainable and more reliable lawn care strategy as a dog owner, as opposed to relying on one product.



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